Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yes Penny, I disappeared again...

But since YOU (and very few others) know the reason I know you forgive me. And, as soon I find last Saturday's Kroger receipt, I'm going to blog it. Hopefully, I will also have a couple of really good trips from the current Mega Sale to put on here soon!


mary said...

I would like to talk with someone here in my county about COUPONS. I live in McCracken COUNTY can any one please help.

Unknown said...

Hello, is anyone home? Get to posting again girl!

Wendy said...

If you'll leave your email address or email me at westkycouponlady (at) gmail (dot) com, I would be glad to see if I could help you! :)

mary said...

my e-mail is mlvann1960@comcast.net